glossal psalm. - salvation south.
blessing for a liberation. - salvation south.
psalm for children who should still be at the breakfast table. - atmospheric quarterly.
XVII: the star. - rust & moth, summer 2022.
psalm for feinberg. - lavender review.
marrow. - sheila-na-gig, volume 6.1., fall 2021.
na’amah. - sheila-na-gig, volume 6.1., fall 2021.
tzedek: the wild hunt. - strange horizons, november 2022.
pearls. - 805 lit + art magazine, LGBTQIA+ issue 2021.
IX: the hermit. - cordella magazine.
kelp. - change seven magazine.
negative. - touchstone literary magazine, may 2021.
ventricle. - rhino poetry.
unsigned. - paper brigade, jewish book council, july 14, 2020.